Friday, August 26, 2011

Brookfield Zoo

Emma had fun seeing all of the animals at Brookfield zoo with Aunt Nikki, Uncle Chuck & Cousin Rosie! The Polar Bear was her favorite, and when she heard some music playing, she broke out in spontaneous dance!

Grandpa Visits

Emma was excited that Grandpa came to visit for the night.

Emma at 14 Months

Emma turned 14 months today! She has also said her first words, including "Baby", "Uh Oh" and "Yay!" She also loves signing for things including "More", "Eat", "Milk", "All Done" and "Please".

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Taking Bailey for a Walk

Emma loves taking Bailey for a walk and brings us her leash when it's time to go out!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Smile :-)

Flower Headband

Mommy was excited for Emma to wear a new headband. Emma wore it for a while, then replaced it with a toy walrus.